About / About Vilofoss

About Vilofoss

Vilofoss is a global leader in the premix and animal nutrition sector.

Our promise "Feeding Success - together"

Vilofoss has cooperated with farmers and their animal productions for more than 90 years. Our well-founded knowledge and experience are based on extensive research and development activities within the sector of nutrition for pigs, cows, poultry and other animal species.

At Vilofoss, we aim to be trustworthy, ambitious and value-creating. 
We offer individual premixes and innovative mineral feed concepts to mixed feed producers and self-mixing livestock farmers. 
This means we strive to be our customers' preferred business partner and adviser. We help you to grow and develop by creating new value. 

What we do

In addition to our vitamin- and mineral compounds and premixes, we offer a wide range of specialty products, milk replacers for calves and pigs, veterinary products, welfare products, products for disinfection and other unique troubleshooters.


Our story

Reaching back over 90 years Vilofoss is a European based company, present in 60 markets, worldwide. Our size and relationship with DLG make us a valuable adviser and partner. We are committed to giving professional advice to optimise our customers' agricultural performance.
With 17 manufacturing plants in Europe and 375,000 tons of premixes produced, Vilofoss is one of the world's most productive, competitive, resource-efficient and responsible agricultural production companies.

Vilofoss wishes to lead the way, and we help our customers and business partners become market leaders in their field, in the most important business in the world - agriculture.


Our Values

At Vilofoss, we aim to be trustworthy, connected and value-creating.

This means we strive to be our customers' preferred business partner and adviser. We help our customers, employees and business associates to grow and develop by creating new value. We dare to be ambitious on behalf of the group, our employees and, not least, our customers.

Vilofoss wishes to lead the way, and we help our customers become market leaders in their field, in the most important business in the world - agriculture.