Our Knowledge / World Class Pig / Knowledge sharing

Knowledge sharing

A large share of knowledge about pig production remains at the farms and, thus is not made available to others. At Vilofoss, we would like for every piece of know-how to be compiled and shared not only internally, but also with other farmers. Knowing that even though solutions work well in one farm, it is not guaranteed that it will work just as well at another.

Therefore, Vilofoss recommend knowledge sharing becomes a natural part of our daily work - for the benefit of everybody so that we facilitate that

Vilofoss customers are able to produce world-class pigs. Farmers have access to several sources of knowledge to stay updated.


FOCUS GROUPS are a very useful tool for exchanging knowl­edge across the agricultural business. In short, a FOCUS group is a network of businessmen sharing the same professional interests. At DLG and Vilofoss, FOCUS groups exist among our customers specialising in pigs, cattle and crop production. We encourage participation in FOCUS groups and are always willing to introduce our view on pig production.

We are sharing our knowledge through webinars and podcasts, which you can find on our homepage (sæt link ind). Webinars and podcasts are a fine way of compiling and applying specific knowl­edge, and can also be useful in connection with the activities at the farms.



A positive dialogue and interaction, with your advisor is key to making the most of your farm. Read more in the section Advice. Knowledge sharing between the farmer and the Vilofoss specialists is vital in terms of picking up on trends, innovative initiatives and other fine solutions for the benefit of the farms. We recommend sharing your knowledge and experience with your advisor, who also has the role of exchanging extensive knowledge between farms.