Behind-the-scenes: VILOFOSS® PECKStone
Product development process of Peckstones
In the following infographic, you can observe the process across various phases, beginning with setting goals, selecting different raw materials, and advancing to on-farm evaluation in trial farms prior to launching the new PECKStones to the market.

Defining the goals and features
Defining the goals and features of the final product involves identifying the desired outcomes and attributes that the Vilofoss® PECKStones should possess based on the needs of customers and the requirements of different poultry species and production systems.
Two examples of goals and features for a new PECKStones would include:
- Enhanced Animal Welfare: Ensuring that the PeckStones contribute to improving the well-being and behavior of poultry birds by providing a stimulating and fulfilling environment. the selected material must be manipulable (changeable), consumable and peckable. Environmental enrichment must be constantly on offer and renewal if needed.
- Durability: Developing PECKStones that are durable enough to withstand the natural behaviors and activities of poultry birds, considering factors such as beak strength (If the bird has been beak treated or has an intact beak), keeping time and housing systems. One of the main challenges is designing PECKStones with varying levels of hardness grades to suit different production methods and types of animals.
Defining clear goals and features helps guide the design, development, and evaluation process of Vilofoss® PECKStones to ensure they meet the expectations and requirements of customers and effectively enhance poultry welfare.
Raw material selection
After defining the goals, we proceed to choose high-quality raw materials based on the defined goals in Phase One. The raw material selection involves identifying and choosing high-quality ingredients that meet the specific requirements and goals defined for the product. This process typically includes considerations for factors like quality, safety, suitability for use, regulatory compliance, and adherence to standards, among others.
The raw materials used need to be of feed quality and premium quality and approved for organic farming. In our laboratory, we have more than 30 different raw materials with varying particle sizes and features.
Fig.1 Example of different limestones with varying particle sizes and solubility
All these raw materials need to guarantee complete quality control "from farm to fork,". Our certified quality management ensures the highest possible levels of product quality and safety. To guarantee safety, we perform an analysis of each raw material regarding fluorine hazard, heavy metals, dioxins, dl- and ndl-PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), and monitor salmonella contamination.
Fig. 2: Salmonella monitoring and sampling protocol
Creating prototypes
Formulating the test PECKStones involves creating prototypes using selected raw materials and formulations. These prototypes are designed to simulate the final product on a smaller scale, allowing for testing and evaluation of their properties, performance, and suitability for the intended application. The formulation process may include adjusting ingre¬dient ratios, testing different materials, and optimizing manufacturing techniques to achieve the desired characteristics of the PECKStones. The varying hardness grades result from chemical reactions between the raw materials.
On-farm evaluation in trial farms
On-farm evaluation in trial farms involves testing and assessing the performance, effectiveness, and suitability of products or interventions directly within the operational environment of commercial farms. This process allows for the observation of real-world conditions and the collection of practical insights and data regarding the product's impact, efficacy, and compatibility with existing farming practices.
Fig. 3: Manual monitoring of consumption on trial farms
Final approval
The final selection of the right formulation for production occurs after thorough evaluation and assessment of all trial results. This involves carefully analysing the performance, durability, and suitability of each formulation based on on-farm trials and observations. The formulation that demonstrates the best results and meets the desired criteria is ultimately chosen for production and introduction to the market.
The final products are packed safely and offered in certified and recyclable food-safe plastic bowls and transported all over the world. Vilofoss® PECKStones is the first choice for breeding companies worldwide due to its high standards, safety and quality. The farmer has the opportunity to individually choose the suitable PECKStone from various hardness grades for their farm.
Deutsche Vilomix Tierernährung GmbH - Bahnhofstr. 30 - 49434 Neuenkirchen-Vörden
Author, Vilofoss Poultry Team:
Dr. Faraz Ansari –
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