6. April 2017

Polish farmers show great interest in Vilofoss solutions

There was plenty of professional interest when Vilofoss Poland held two road shows in Warsaw and Lodz on a large range of topic ranging from nutrition to animal welfare and health.


Approximately 140 farmers listened to lectures by Vilofoss Group pig specialists, Karsten Toft Rasmussen and Bo Vedel Gormsen on the topics of nutrition, appropriate welfare and the newest hygiene solutions. In addition, Jesper H. Bang from TripleA gave a lecture on innovated protein sources.


Farmers showed particularly interest in Vilofoss’ solutions for health problems such as stomach ulcers and rectal prolapses.  A final training session on our unique Stalosan solution which lead to a lively between the experts and the pig farmers on hygiene in herds and welfare.


All in all a great experience for both farmers and our colleagues that we like to see repeated.

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