ProtiSpar - Advanced Nitrogen Efficiency
Products / Leading Products / ProtiSpar

What ist ProtiSpar®?

ProtiSpar is a combination of essential oils, reducing selectively the bacterial protein degradation in the rumen. The degradation of protein in the rumen is affected by a great many of different factors.

Product properties

  • Effecting an economy in protein supply
  • Relieving the ammonia overexposed liver
  • Increases the small intestine protein inflow
  • Relieves the energy balance and maintains health and fertility
  • Optimizes cost-efficiency in milk production
  • Environmental relief by decreased ammonia emission

    To be sourced as supplementation in mineral and compound mixed feed, please ask your expert adviser.

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     How ProtiSpar works for cows (video):


    Confirmed by science in experiments


    Background information and dairy farmers experience report you can read here.