Pet food
16. April 2024

Premixes and Insect Protein

We are your partner when it comes to individual premixes for the production of dog and cat food. Tailor-made premix solutions with the optimal composition of vitamins, trace elements, etc. - just as you wish.

Premixe Minerale Aminosäuren Futter

Premixes for the optimal composition of dog and cat food

Powder mixes with a mixing accuracy of 1:100,000 are individually and tailor-made optimized and mixed according to your requirements and needs. This is our quality promise.

Insect protein from the largest insect factory in Northern Europe

Katze Hund Vilofoss

Insects as a protein source in animal nutrition are increasingly gaining importance. Especially in pet food, this sustainable and resource-saving raw material is intended to be used more frequently. With DLG’s participation in the Enorm Biofactory in Denmark, we are able to supply you with insect flour and insect oil in constant quality and sufficient quantity. Learn more here.


Interzoo Messestand Vilofoss Insektenprotein Heimtiere Hunde Katzen
Visit us at the world's leading pet industry trade fair in Hall 3A Booth 3A-101

Premixes of the highest quality - Guaranteed

Our customized feed formulations are produced using state-of-the-art mixers with a mixing accuracy of 1:100,000. We meet the strictest quality requirements. You can see this for yourself.


Your contacts for the areas:


Direct sales of components
Josef Menge
Phone: +49 5493 9870 47


Consultant Premixes Pet Food
Angela Fritz
Phone: +49 493 9870 769

Deutsche Vilomix Tierernährung GmbH


50 Years - Highly Visible!

Anzeige Land + Forst 50Jahre Vilomix Vilofoss
Anniversary advertisement in LAND & FORST "Gemacht für Niedersachsen" in March 2022


What are Premixes?

Premixes for dog and cat food contain carefully formulated nutritional additives. The purpose is to ensures that all essential vitamins and trace elements are included to optimally supply the animals. The premix is an important part of almost every recipe for pet food to ensure the supply of essential micronutrients to the animals. Individual premixes are tailored to the needs of pet food production.

The standard premix for pets includes the following active ingredients among others:

  • Vitamins: A, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, folic acid, biotin
  • Trace elements: Iron, copper, zinc, selenium, manganese, and other biologically active substances.


Vilofoss Deutschland Zentrale

Photo: Premix Plant VILOFOSS Germany Headquarters in Neuenkirchen-Vörden